

            My name is Joey Lee. I am currently enrolled at the University of California, San Diego as an undergrad, working to obtain a B.S. in Human Biology. My interest in the human body stems mostly from my family and upbringing.
            My family has practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for many generations, so I’ve been well familiar with it since childhood. My father runs an apothecary in the Chinatown District of Oakland, California, where my grandfather and uncle treat patients with acupuncture, moxibustion, and herbal remedies. I have borne witness to the incredible efficacy of these treatments. As a child, my grandfather would often tell me that I had too much 'dry heat', the main cause of my spontaneous bloody noses. Later in high school, I learned that these hot/cold/wet/dry properties of the body were strikingly similar to the Western theory of the 'Four Humors', and that both versions have been largely replaced with Science in the Western world. Why can't they coexist? 
            The fact that most of TCM is still shrouded in doubt and mystery has inspired me to not only study the human body, but to also investigate why these methods of healing work under scientific scrutiny. This site aims to shed a light on the power of TCM to heal, clear up any misconceptions, as well as familiarize skeptics and xenophobes with its practices and philosophy. My resume and personal statement are attached below.

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